Privacy Policy

Metamaskextensio Privacy Policy outlines how user data is collected, used, and protected. It's crucial to understand these terms before using the service. Here's a summary:

Information Collection: Metamaskextensio collects data like user IP addresses, browser types, and usage patterns. When you create an account or interact with dApps, additional information may be collected.

Usage of Information: The collected data is used to provide and improve services, customize content, analyze usage patterns, and enhance security.

Sharing Information: Metamaskextensio may share data with service providers, affiliates, and partners for various purposes, including analytics, customer support, and marketing.

Data Security: Metamaskextensio employs measures to protect user data, including encryption, secure storage, and regular security assessments.

Cookies and Tracking: Cookies and tracking technologies are used for various purposes, including session management, analytics, and personalized content.

User Choices: Users can manage cookie preferences, opt-out of certain data collection, and access, update, or delete their personal information.

Updates to Policy: The Privacy Policy may change, and users are encouraged to review it periodically.

Understanding and agreeing to Metamaskextensio Privacy Policy is essential for responsible and informed use of the service, ensuring your data and privacy are protected.

Last updated